Thursday, February 13, 2025 |
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Frequently Asked Questions |
Q1: What is .LY
A1: .LY is the ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain) of Libya.
Q2: What is NIC.LY
A2: NIC.LY is the official website for the Top Level Domain of Libya's Registry.
Q3: What is the registration period allowed for .ly domain names?
A3: .ly domain names can be registered from 1 to 10 years.
Q4: What are the valid characters and lengths for .ly domain names?
A4: Domain Names must:
1- Have minimum of 1 and a maximum of 63 characters & for those less than 4 characters long in the top level must have local presence in Libya.
2- Begin with a letter or a number and end with a letter or a number.
3- Use the English character set and may contain letters (i.e., a-z, A-Z), numbers (i.e. 0-9) and dashes (-) or a combination of these.
4- Neither begin with, nor end with a dash.
Q5: What is lifecycle of a .ly domain?
A5: 1 day after expiry, a domain name is removed from the zone and its status become "ServerHold",
45 days after expiry the domain name status is changed to "redemptionPeriod" for 30 days and the
registrar can optionally restore, at the end of the 30 days the name status will become
"pending Delete" and the name can only be restored by NIC for 5 days, After the 5 days,
the domain is deleted and is available to the public for registration.
Q6: Are some .ly domain names restricted?
A6: Violating rights to third parties, names and activities contrary to Libyan law are prohibited.
See the regulation part in www.nic.ly
Q7: How can I register .ly domain?
A7: you can register .ly domains through one of .ly accredited registrars. See LY Registrars part in www.nic.ly
Q8: Can I transfer my .ly domain from the current registrar to another one? And How?
A8: you can transfer your domain from your current registrar to another, to transfer your domain from one
registrar to another please follow the following steps:
1-Verify that the domain name is eligible for transfer. (domain is unlocked and domain status is active).
2-Make sure that the registrant and admin emails are accurate.
3-Obtain the transfer authorization code. "you can get your authorization code from your current registrar
or from Key Retrieval option in this link https://whois.nic.ly
4-Contacting the registrar to which you want to transfer the domain & provide them with the authorization
code to proceed with the transfer process.
Q9: What are the extensions under .ly?
A9: The General .ly extensions are:
(.ly), (.com.ly), (.net.ly), (.org.ly), (.plc.ly), (.id.ly)
Dedicated .ly extensions:
(.edu.ly) (Dedicated for higher Libyan educational institutions.)
(.sch.ly) (Dedicated for Libyan educational institutions below the university level.)
(.med.ly) (Dedicated for Libyan health entities.)
(.gov.ly) (Dedicated for Libyan governmental entities.)
Q10: Does .ly support DNSSEC?
A10: Yes, .ly support DNSSEC.
E-Mail: |
For any information, questions, or suggestions please contact us: |
E-mail address: domains@nic.ly |